I certify that the information in the application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that in order to be considered for employment, I will need to provide Big Ten Rentals with my social security number.
By submitting this application, I hereby authorize all corporations, companies, credit agencies, schools, government agencies, persons, military service, and former employers to release information they may have about me to, Big Ten Rentals, Inc. or its agents and employees, and release all persons or companies from liability or responsibility from doing so. Further, I authorize the procurement of a consumer report, credit check and department of motor vehicle records. I understand that such a report may contain information about my background, character, and personal reputation. I understand that this notice will also apply to any future update reports.
I understand any false answers, statements, or implications made by me on this application or other required documents shall be considered sufficient cause for denial of employment or discharge. Upon termination of my employment for whatever reason, I release this company from all liability for supplying any information concerning my employment to any potential employer. If requested, I will take a post job-offer physical examination and my employment, in the event I receive medical treatment for any condition, including a physical, psychological, emotional, or psychiatric condition that is job-related, I hereby authorize the limited release and exchange of such medical information relating to my condition between the treatment provider and a company-designated physician. I further understand this is an application for employment and no employment contract is being offered. I understand that if I am employed, such employment is for an indefinite period of time and the company may change wages, benefits, and conditions at any time. My employement is at will. No individual with the company is authorized to change the employment-at-will status except an officer of the company, who may do so only in writing. I have read and agree to the above.