
We offer delivery and set-up to just about anywhere and often for less than most of our competitors.
From Iowa City:
We are located just south of Hwy 6 at 1820 Boyrum St. Boyrum St is east of Hy-Vee and west of K-Mart. Turn South at U.S. Cellular.
From the North:
Continue South on I-380 onto Highway 218 South. Take Exit 91, at the top of the ramp take a left (East) for 2.6 miles. Make a right-hand turn at U.S. Cellular onto Boyrum St. Go South approximately 50 yards, we’re on the left. Located at 1820 Boyrum St.
From the South:
Take Highway 218 North to Exit 91. At the top of the ramp take a right (East) for 2.5 miles. Make a right-hand turn at U.S. Cellular Boyrum St. Go South approximately 50 yards, we’re on the left.

From the West:
Take I-80 to Highway 218 South. Continue South to Exit 91. At the top of the ramp take a left (East) for 2.6 miles. Make a right-hand turn at U.S. Cellular on Boyrum St. Go South approximately 50 yards, we’re on the left.
From the East:(This is the fastest route)
Take I-80 to exit #249, also known as Hoover Highway.
At the top of the ramp, turn left, and travel about 1.5 miles
At the first stop sign, turn left onto Scott Blvd.
Travel South on Scott Blvd 2 miles. Until you arrive at the “T” intersection
Turn right onto US Hwy 6.
Travel West on Hwy 6 for 1.5 miles. At Boyrum St. Make a Left-hand turn.
Go South approximately 50 yards, we’re on the left.
(For an easier but longer route use the directions from the West)