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(Pictured with optional white covers)
Another method used when we absolutely can’t drill, such as tent erections on inlaid brick, decks of boats, proximity to fiber optics etc… The pictured water ballast was used to anchor a 40′ x 60′ Hybrid Tent
The customer is responsible for supplying a water source.
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The 350 pound Block and Roll tent ballast is moved by using our Block and Roll Tent Ballast Mover vs. needing a forklift on site.
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The 500 pound Block and Roll tent ballast is moved by using our Block and Roll Tent Ballast Mover vs. needing a forklift on site.
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This method is used when we absolutely can’t drill, such as tent erections on inlaid brick, decks of boats, proximity to fiber optics etc… The primary use of water barrels is to secure frame tents (vertical forces). Rope and pole tents cannot be held in place with water barrels, as they exert both vertical and lateral forces. The customer is responsible for supplying a water source.
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The 700 pound Block and Roll tent ballast is moved by using our Block and Roll Tent Ballast Mover vs. needing a forklift on site.
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This method is used when we absolutely can’t drill, such as tent erections on inlaid brick, decks of boats, proximity to fiber optics etc… The primary use of water barrels is to secure frame tents (vertical forces). Rope and pole tents cannot be held in place with water barrels, as they exert both vertical and lateral forces. The customer is responsible for supplying a water source.
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A 3/4″ or 1″ hole drilled in pavement or asphalt. We will fill with an asphalt plug upon completion. Info about Controlling Silica Dust.
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Used in stable soil conditions. Rope and Pole tents are staked approximately 4-6′ from the perimeter of the tent at each guy line; frame tents are usually anchored within 2′ of base. Stake length and diameter are a function of the soil conditions, duration of rental, and type of tent.
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We drill a 5/8-1″ hole and insert a permanent drop anchor. During tent erection we use an eyebolt to tie off to. Upon completion we remove the eyebolt, fill with grease and insert a hex head cap to keep out debris. This ONLY works on pavement and is an especially good method if you think…
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Gang staking is sometimes used on larger tents to increase stake capacity. Some examples include construction sites or gardens where soil is loosely compacted, sandy, wet or for longer duration rentals. Included with tent rental if required.
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These sand bags are used on our 10′ x 10′ Pop-Up Tents.
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STEEL WEIGHTS: 10×10 Heavy Duty frame tents, or Pop-ups
58 lbs each. Custom weights are designed to fit over the leg of a 10′ wide tent. Painted black.
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For Larger Frame Tents, Hybrids (jumbotrac), or Clearspan structures. 2′ x ‘ 2′ x 2’ 1,200 lb blocks with tie down. Covers are available at an additional cost. A forklift or skid loader is required on the job site.
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For Larger Frame Tents, Hybrids (jumbotrac), or Clearspan structures. 2′ x ‘ 2′ x 4’ 2,000 lb – 2,200 lb blocks with tie down. Covers are available at additional cost. Forklift or skid loader required on job site.
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For Larger Frame Tents, Hybrids (jumbotrac), or Clearspan structures. 2′ x ‘ 2′ x 6’ 3,000 lb blocks with tie down. Covers are available at additional cost. Forklift or skid loader required on job site.
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