Bleachers for high school/middle school robotics teams
We delivered seating for 819 people by setting up 3 of our 45′ towable stadium-style bleachers for a high school/middle school robotics teams event at the Marriott hotel in Coralville, Iowa.
We delivered seating for 819 people by setting up 3 of our 45′ towable stadium-style bleachers for a high school/middle school robotics teams event at the Marriott hotel in Coralville, Iowa.
We set up our 18m x 35m (60′ x 114′) Losberger clearspan temporary event structure for a wedding reception in Iowa City near Solon, IA. We also set up our temporary subflooring and other items. Doors and Subflooring Finished Temporary Event Structure Setting up the Losberger
This event needed to be set up after 1:30 pm for this political rally. We set up a two-tiered stage with 4 sets of adjustable stairs, bike barricade for crowd control, black chairs plus pipe & drape parts (drape was provided).
We are thrilled to have provided a fantastic seating solution for the USA Gymnastics Region 4 Trampoline & Tumbling event held at the River Center in Davenport, Iowa. Big Ten Rentals supplied three towable bleachers, each one boasting 10 spacious rows and accommodating up to 273 spectators each, comfortably for a total of 819 spectators….
Busy weekend for Big Ten Rentals. We’ve set-up three different political rallies for this weekend (plus one on Monday). Locations included Des Moines at the Brenton Skating Plaza (seen below), Waterloo (see pictures) and Moline (see pictures). The Des Moines, Iowa event is shown below. We set up a second political event in Des Moines on November 3rd…
The Iowa Arts Festival is a big undertaking forBig Ten Rentals each year. Lots of items: tables, tents, fencing, beer dispensers, barricades, picnic tables and much more. Pictures from the setup of the 2016 Iowa Arts Festival in Downtown Iowa City, IA Pictures from the Iowa City Arts Festival
Big Ten Rentals was at the Knoxville Raceway to set up a stage (24′ x 32′ on 32″ legs) under a 20′ x 20 Tentnology frame tent, along with a 40′ x 120′ rope and pole tent along with some black chairs, tables and other items for this event.