Last minute Saint Patrick's Day tent setup at Steve's Old Time Tap in Rock Island, IL
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Last minute Saint Patrick’s Day event tent setup at Steve’s Old Time Tap in Rock Island, IL

When we say we got a last-minute phone call from Steve’s Old Time Tap in Rock Island, Illinois about a Saint Patrick’s Day tent,  we mean at 10 pm (after we were closed) on March 16th the owner of Big Ten Rentals received a text message. The weather for Saint Patrick’s Day was going to be…

40' x 100' hybrid Jumbotrac with a million BTUs of heat on a consistently below zero day.
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Tent with heaters for Jumer’s New Years Party: Rock Island, IL

It was a cold day on New Years Eve in Illinois with temperatures dropping to 2°f. To keep up with the cold and wind, we needed our 400,000 BTU Oil/Diesel heater, 390,000 BTU Oil/Diesel heater, plus our 290,000 BTU Diesel heater pumping in hot air under our 40′ x 100′ Hybrid Tent, 10′ x 20′ Frame Tent used as an entrance/vestibule and other tents…

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