Backyard Wedding and Reception with a Frame Tent in Iowa City, IA
We set up a 30′ x 30′ frame tent for a small backyard wedding and wedding reception in Iowa City, IA. Under it were tables, chairs, and our event sound system.
We set up a 30′ x 30′ frame tent for a small backyard wedding and wedding reception in Iowa City, IA. Under it were tables, chairs, and our event sound system.
We set up a 40′ x 60′ rope and pole tent in a parking lot with six 7′ x 30′ french window sidewalls and 250 black plastic chairs with 35 poly tables at Grinnell Friends Church in Grinnell, Iowa.
Big Ten Rentals set up ten 10′ x 50′ frame tents, two 10′ x 20′ frame tents, one 10′ x 30′ frame tent, five 10′ x 10′ frame tents, two 20′ x 20′ frame Tentnology tents, thirty-five poly tables, 120 bike rack barricades, 100 black chairs and two stages for Sheels hunting expo in the…
We set up four 20′ x 20′ Tentnology frame tents, a 20′ x 40′ frame tent, and 20′ x 30′ frame tent. We aren’t able to drill at this location so we used water barrel for weight. We also delivered tables for this event.
We set up this Red And White 30′ x 60′ Gala rope and pole tent at Fareway Grocery in Davenport, Iowa for the Bellino Fireworks company. See all of the firework stand locations in Iowa setup by Big Ten Rentals.
Big Ten Rentals set up tents for the 2015 RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) in Solon, Iowa, and Iowa River Landing in Coralville, Iowa destinations.