Event Structure for Company Meeting with Double Glass doors in Hubbard, Iowa.
We set up a 60′ x 98′ Losberger tent/event structure was set up for the Summit Agricultural Group in Hubbard, Iowa.
We set up a 60′ x 98′ Losberger tent/event structure was set up for the Summit Agricultural Group in Hubbard, Iowa.
The Iowa Arts Festival is a big undertaking forBig Ten Rentals each year. Lots of items: tables, tents, fencing, beer dispensers, barricades, picnic tables and much more. Pictures from the setup of the 2016 Iowa Arts Festival in Downtown Iowa City, IA Pictures from the Iowa City Arts Festival
What do they say about people who live in glass houses? People who live in glass houses… get air conditioning for their wedding when it takes place on one of the hottest days so far this year. Temperatures are slated to get into the mid 90s. Can you imagine how hot this wedding could have been inside…
Read more about Big Ten Rentals involvement in the setup of the 2014 Iowa Arts Festival in downtown Iowa City.
Big Ten Rentals will be closing roads so we can begin setup of the 2014 NorthSide Oktoberfest on Friday, September 26, 2014. We are packed up and ready to go. Items to be set up:
The corporate education event was held under our 60′ x 98′ Losberger tent with glass doors and sidewalls at Microsoft’s West Des Moines location.
We set up event tents at 7 dealer locations for McGrath Family of Dealerships for there annual tent event. From Hawkeye Harley (images shown), Cheveyland, Dodge Country, Westdale, Kia in Hiawatha, Coralville Used Car Superstore (images shown) and Marion. It was a busy day for our set up crew at Big Ten Rentals.